ㅤAnna Nasekina synchronized swimming schoolㅤ ㅤOlympic center for kids from 5 years oldㅤ
Here champions are made!
We welcome kids starting from 4 years old in all our pools
Sign up
Korolev championship 13 April 2025
On-line trainingsㅤ with Anna Nasekinaㅤ
Why us?
Nasekina synchro school is preparing kids from 5 years old for the selection to professional olympic synchronized swimming school. We teach not only basic skills of one of the most beautiful sports in the world but also give a chance to open the world of the professional competitions and big achievements!
Our advantages
Free classes
With one of the best coaches in the world
For the junior and national team
Official competition
And qualification
Medical control
We are looking after health of our athletes using anti-doping policy to secure their improvement
Training camps with Anna Nasekina
Summer training camps and later classes with 5-times world champion Anna Nasekina
"Artek" free voucher contest
International kids center "Artek" voucher contest during "Crimean Hopes" Open competition gives the opportunity to stay in one of the biggest kids' camps for free